I started just like everyone else. I was always active in sports such as gymnastics, softball, dance, and cheerleading. In college, I gained the dreaded freshman 15 so I took a weight training course as an elective. I joined a gym and started doing step class (it was new then) and eventually found my way into the weight room with all the men, thanks to a friend who showed me around and made me feel comfortable. I dabbled on my own and after I got married and had two daughters, I didn't want to just settle for the expected. I worked out with some weights, participated in group classes, and ate "clean". I worked out harder and harder and tried all the diets and read all the books for many years! My husband called it my hobby (trying new diets). I was in good enough shape but I felt like I worked too hard to be good enough. I needed to crack the code. When I turned 40 I told Phil I bought myself a gift and it was already done. I hired a trainer to take me on a 12 week journey to a body building competition. I paid her up front and said "I'm yours". I had always wanted to see what my body could do with proper nutrition and focused training. What I learned about nutrition from that experience made me better. I worked out smarter instead of harder and focused my nutrition on what fuels my body instead of looking at food as entertainment. It was considered extreme. I found CrossFit through this journey and discovered how functional fitness could keep me healthy and strong for life and I no longer needed to spend an hour on a treadmill for "cardio". I could stay strong and conditioned in one hour of my day! The community support and the intensity of the workouts made me feel strong and as a mother of then teenage girls, I felt like it was a good example of what women were physically capable of and it shifted the focus from aesthetics to physical achievement. It was an incredible change in mindset for me and I wanted that for my two girls.
The enemy we all face is comparison to others. It could be looks, strength, wealth, or anything else we desire. Once I learned how difficult and how much focus went in to training for a moment on stage, I realized I did not want to try to maintain that level. It was not healthy mentally. I learned to be more accepting of myself. I began to see the things I compared myself to in a different light. Self acceptance was what I was lacking. It's a decision to make in your life. If you aren't willing to put in the work (on whatever level you decide), you MUST learn to accept what you have. Taking responsibility for our place in our life is really important whether that be our physical, financial, or mental health. It takes work to get where we want to be, or at least think we want to be. Where we can be happy is an individual decision everyone has to make. I found mine in my daily habits, gym ownership and training, and helping others learn to love themselves by being proud of each accomplishment.
I see myself in every client. I have a passion for impacting lives. People need to know truth, even when it's not pretty and wrapped up in a 30 day package with a bow. Changing your daily habits means experiencing major discomfort and it's mostly psychological. Yes, working out can be painful in the beginning. Learning about proper food choices can be overwhelming. However the pain of staying the same, continuing down an unhealthy road, and letting the years pass without taking action is far worse! We start small and we take those incremental steps to a better life so you can be proud and achieve your best you!